Jason & Ashley

 My favorite moment was with the girls right after she put her dress on. She slid it up and looked and in the mirror. And then all of a sudden, it hit her, that today was the day. She turned to her mother who was already on the verge of tears. Ashley began covering her eyes as if to hold back the emotion, but it was to late, she began to cry. Some of her bridesmaids came around her and held her hand and touched her shoulder to let her know that they were there for her, that they felt this moment and knew the weight of it for her. And through glassy eyes one of the bridesmaids turned to me and asked "Can we pray now?"  We were already 45 minuntes late to the venue and still had to do countless other shots... but you don't plan a moment like this. They find you - and you have to be willing to let go to truly appreciate it. Tearfully I said, "Yes, of course". Surrounded by the women she walks with in ministry and life, these women cried to God thanking him for this day the people that were present. 

It's one of those things that you walk away changed by. I'm just so grateful I was able to see and keep the moment.